Why did Roblox remove 80 Robux?
Users noticed that Roblox removed 80 Robux from their account and are wondering about the reason for this deduction. They seek clarification on whether it was due to a purchase, a penalty, or some other unexplained cause.
Why can't I buy 80 robux?
I'm trying to purchase 80 robux, but it seems like I'm unable to do so. I'm not sure if there's a specific reason or a limitation that's preventing me from making this purchase. Can someone help me understand why I can't buy 80 robux?
Did Roblox remove 80 robux?
I heard some news about Roblox and I'm wondering if they recently removed 80 robux from the game or from players' accounts. Can anyone confirm this?
What does 80 robux get you?
I'm curious about what I can purchase with 80 robux in the game. I want to know the specific items or services that 80 robux can get me.